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Master Env 07 | Scaling and Preview Mesh

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Chapter Lessons

Master Env 00 | Using Quixel Bridge to Get Megascan Assets
Using Quixel Bridge to Get Megascan Assets
Master Env 01 | Modular Design
Modular Design
Master Env 02 | Grouping and Attaching Objects
Grouping and Attaching Objects
Master Env 03 | Nanite!
Master Env 04 | Cliff Town Setup and Light Blockers
Cliff Town Setup and Light Blockers
Master Env 05 | Kitbashing with Nanite
Master Env 06 | Packed Level Instance
Packed Level Instance
Master Env 07 | Scaling and Preview Mesh
Scaling and Preview Mesh
Master Env 08 | Cliff Town Part 1
Cliff Town Part 1
Master Env 09 | Cliff Town Part 2
Cliff Town Part 2
Master Env 10 | Layers and Sub-Levels
Layers and Sub-Levels
Master Env 12 | Night Lights Part 2
Night Lights Part 2
Master Env 13 | Converting UE4 Environments to UE5
Converting UE4 Environments to UE5