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Fullgame Proto 14 | Interface Communication

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Chapter Lessons

FullGame Proto 00 | Intro to Gameplay Prototyping
Intro to Gameplay Prototyping
FullGame Proto 01 | Project Setup
Project Setup
FullGame Proto 02 | Pickup Objects Part 1
Pickup Objects Part 1
FullGame Proto 03 | Pickup Objects Part 2
Pickup Objects Part 2
FullGame Proto 04 | Pickup Objects Part 3
Pickup Objects Part 3
FullGame Proto 05 | Laser Part 1 Setup
Laser Part 1 Setup
FullGame Proto 06 | Laser Part 2 For Loops and Repetition
Laser Part 2 For Loops and Repetition
FullGame Proto 07 | Laser Part 3 Reflective Objects
Laser Part 3 Reflective Objects
FullGame Proto 08 | Laser Part 4 Laser Mesh
Laser Part 4 Laser Mesh
FullGame Proto 09 | Laser Part 5 Laser Mesh Arrays!
Laser Part 5 Laser Mesh Arrays!
FullGame Proto 10 | Laser Part 6 Functions and Organization
Laser Part 6 Functions and Organization
Fullgame Proto 11 | Opening and Closing Doors
Opening and Closing Doors
Fullgame Proto 12 | Rotating Doors and Direction
Rotating Doors and Direction
Fullgame Proto 13 | Floor Button
Floor Button
Fullgame Proto 14 | Interface Communication
Interface Communication
Fullgame Proto 15 | Laser Goal
Laser Goal
Fullgame Proto 16 | Cable Visualization
Cable Visualization
Fullgame Proto 17 | Transparent Walls
Transparent Walls
Fullgame Proto 18 | Mesh Disintegration
Mesh Disintegration
Fullgame Proto 19 | Spin Wall Physics Fix
Spin Wall Physics Fix
Fullgame Proto 20 | Final Prototype Project
Final Prototype Project