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Master Mat 07 | Material Attributes

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Chapter Lessons

Master Mat 00 | Intro to Materials
Intro to Materials
Master Mat 01 | Texture Adjustments
Texture Adjustments
Master Mat 02 | Unreal's Default Textures and References
Default Textures and References
Master Mat 03 | Simple Master Material
Simple Master Material
Master Mat 04 | Material Functions
Material Functions
Master Mat 05 | Quixel Materials
Quixel Materials
Master Mat 06 | Layering with Linear Interpolate
Layering with Linear Interpolate
Master Mat 07 | Material Attributes
Material Attributes
Master Mat 08 | Decals
Master Mat 09 | Vertex Blending Part 1
Vertex Blending Part 1 - Introduction
Master Mat 10 | Vertex Blending Part 2
Creating the Material
Master Mat 11 | Vertex Blending Part 3 - Quixel's Material
Vertex Blending Part 3 - Quixel's Material
Master Mat 12 | Dark Alley Introduction
Dark Alley Introduction
Master Mat 13 | Dark Alley Part 2
Dark Alley Part 2
Master Mat 14 | Dark Alley Part 3
Dark Alley Part 3
Master Mat 15 | Dark Alley Lightmaps
Dark Alley Lightmaps