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Master BP 02 | Vectors and Direction

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Chapter Lessons

Master BP 06 | Control Materials with Blueprints
Control Materials with Blueprints
Master BP 00 | project Intro
Project Introduction and Setup
Master BP 01 | Line Tracing
Line Tracing
Master BP 02 | Vectors and Direction
Vectors and Direction!
Master BP 03 | Creating a Blueprint Class
Creating a Blueprint Class
Master BP 04 | Use Functions to Save Time!
Use Functions to Save Time!
Master BP 05 | Blueprint Communication
Blueprint Communication
Master BP 07 | Inheritance - Parents and Children
Inheritance - Parents and Children
Master BP 08 | Encapsulation
Master BP 09 | Interactive Block
Interactive Block
Master BP 10 | Chest Animation
Chest Animation
Master BP 11 | Polymorphism Many Forms
Polymorphism - Many Forms
Master BP 12 | Finishing Touches
Finishing Touches
Master BP 13 | Summary and Finished Project Download
Summary and Finished Project Download